Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is this a revolution?

So...I was watching Sean Hannity just yesterday and there was some model, I think that's what she was, stating that she thought the government should provide healthcare for everyone because that was what the government SHOULD do.
People, do you understand that this is a war on America of sorts? This is a war on the very foundation from which this government sits!!! If you want to change the constitution, then so be it, but that is a revolution and there are patriots out there that will see to it that you fail!!! STAND UP AMERICA! (As Glenn Beck would say)

1 comment:

  1. Hate to beat a dead horse here, but look at the deficits tht the post office has run up this year. And the poor quality of service, when compared to the free-market alternatives. Even Pres. Obama agrees on this one. So, why would we Want the federal government getting into the health care business? Not to mention, why would we want the government making decisions as to the type of care we are individually deserving of? It's scary!
