Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why don't the political powers that be KNOW our constitution?

Every congressman and president, before he takes office, swears an oath that he will uphold and defend the constitution. Well......shouldn't they know WHAT the constitution is before they claim they will uphold and defend it?!?!?
I am apalled at how many politicians these days are so hell-bent on changing the course of this country so that it now teeters on its very foundation! I can no longer stand by idly. Now is the time to do SOMETHING!!! So... this is my way of spreading the words, literally, of the constitution! It needs to be read, over and over again. It's the policies or the laws by which this country ought to be running. But it is so way off now that I fear it is doomed to failure, just like any other democracy that is sucked in by socialist/communist ideology.
Please, people, READ the constitution, before you vote or voice an opinion about what you think ought to happen within the walls of Washington, D.C.
Here's a great blog where you will find all the elements of the Constitution, the amendments, and the 3 branches of government and their roles. It just might be an eye-opener!

1 comment:

  1. What is scary is that our president DOES know what is in the Constitution - correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he a professor of Constitutional Law at one point? - and he has publicly said that it is an "outdated" document. He is disdainful of this precious and inspired document. I am fearful of what will happen next...
